DYP Lock Smart Contracts and Blockchain Consilium Security Audit
We are happy to release the DYP Lock Smart Contracts and Blockchain Consilium Security Audit report. According to our tokenomics the team members tokens will be vested for 24 months, released monthly. Also, all the tokens that are not currently in circulation (the tokens distributed for the Ethereum mining pool, DYP Earn Vault, etc) are going to be locked on smart contracts and released only on the launch of the Ethereum mining pool. In this case our community can be assured that the team will not control any tokens.
Lock smart contracts are meant to lock DYP Tokens for the team for a predefined duration, two types of locks are included, Token Lock and Token Vesting Lock, the Token Lock smart contract Locks up ERC20 Tokens for a certain duration, the lock is extensible, the Token Vesting Lock smart contract continuously releases certain number of tokens over a predefined duration.
Github repository for the lock smart contracts https://github.com/dypfinance/token-lock-vesting-contracts
Blockchain Consilium Security Audit https://github.com/dypfinance/token-lock-vesting-contracts/tree/main/Blockchain%20Consilium%20Audit
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